TokuNet Podcast #00 – Kamen Rider: The Next
In this bonus episode of the TokuNet Podcast, one man does the impossible by reviewing 2007’s Kamen Rider: The Next.
And by impossible, we mean that David was literally the only person that wanted to do it.
As the sequel to 2005’s Kamen Rider: The First, The Next gave fans a bit of hope that this would improve on an overall decent film. The result was quite the contrary. Most fans panned the movie for many reasons, the most common being the J-horror element that seemed to dominate the main plot.
However, one person loved the film (shocking, isn’t it?), and we decided to give him the stage to share his views. Join David as he gives a quick rundown of the plot of the movie before diving into what he enjoyed about Kamen Rider: The Next.
- David White – @TheCeleryMan
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Intro Music: Platinum Smile by Riyu Kosaka
Outro Music: Chosen Soldier by ISSA