TokuNet Comics Corner: February
February’s lone comic release is the calm before March’s storm.
Welcome back to the TokuNet Comics Corner! All of the monthly comics we usually cover were on break this month, so we’ll just take a quick look at the newest volume of ULTRAMAN.
ULTRAMAN Vol. 3: Written by Eiichi Shimizu/Drawn by Tomohiro Shimoguchi
Vol. 3 introduces a few new and interesting concepts to the world of ULTRAMAN. As you can see above, Red King shows up, as does this story’s version of Ultraman Jack. Those new characters, plus the return of Fuji and the big reveal at the end of the volume make this a pretty fanservice heavy volume.
Shimoguchi’s highly detailed art is the star this time around. There’s a two-page spread of Shinjiro and his father Shin, each backed by their respective alter-egos, that wonderfully communicates the tension between the two. We also get some great new, original alien designs. The highlight of the issue is the very end when we get a highly-detailed look at the series’ second hero, Ultraman 7.2.
A lot of this volume spends time building towards a big confrontation, so the plot doesn’t go that far. There’s a small reveal here and there, but it looks like we’ll have to wait for the meaty stuff.
That’s it for February, but March is looking to be pretty big for toku comics. Godzilla: Oblivion and MMPR’s first issues are dropping alongside the return of Monstress, Pacific Rim: Tales from the Drift, and Project: Nemesis.