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Next Time on Mashin Sentai Kiramager: Episode 13
Juru questions what kind of a person Takamichi truly is in the next episode of Mashin Sentai Kiramager, “Great Underground War”.
Episode 13: Great Underground War
Screenplay written by Hiroyuki Kato
Directed by Naruhisa Arakawa
Takamichi Crystalia (Kohei Shoji), who had transformed into Kiramei Silver, turned out to be Mabushina’s brother. Juru (Rio Komiya) is delighted to have more friends with great power.
However, although it was thought that this might reopen some strong emotions for Mabushina, she intensely rejects Takamichi. She says that when Crystalia was being invaded by Yodonheim, Takamichi was absent due to being out hunting for treasure. Mabushina says Takamichi is only interested in treasure hunting so he will not be joining them.
Meanwhile, the mysterious tentacle monster Fly Trap Jamen appears. Kirameiger responds. Takamichi is anticipating the completion of an order of a new mecha from Hakataminami, and even today continues his search for treasure in the mountains. Meanwhile, Juru is in great doubt that the way Takamichi is behaving are really his true feelings.
The Kirameigers struggle against Fly Trap Jamen’s tentacles. Takamichi rushes to the scene to save them from this predicament. However, Takamichi has no intention of joining them, taking off with Sayo (Mio Kudo).