Tsuburaya Files “Ultraman Zeed” Trademark
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A trademark for a new Ultraman has been revealed.
Tsuburaya have filed a trademark for the latest Ultraman TV series, Ultraman Zeed, using the katakana ジード for the title, which can be read as jii-do but is rendered as Zeed. Tsuburaya applied for the trademark on February 13th, 2017 with the Japanese Patent Office under trademark number 2017-15945.
商標:[画像] (標準文字) /
出願人:株式会社円谷プロダクション /
出願日:2017年2月13日 /
区分:9(業務用テレビゲーム機用プログラムほか),16(事務用又は家庭用ののり及び接着剤ほ…— 商標速報bot (@trademark_bot) March 5, 2017
Further details have yet to be revealed.

Aria W. Suriadikusuma
March 5, 2017 at 10:53 am
let’s have a bet…
a million dollar for me if the real name is GEDD, not ZEED.