Upcoming Toho “Godzilla” Film Cast Announced
The cast for next year’s Godzilla revival film has been revealed.
Shin Godzilla will star Hiromi Hasegawa, Takenouchi Yutaka, and Satomi Ishihara. Hasegawa and Takeno will portray two Japanese government officials while Ishihara will portray an agent of the United States. Ishihara recently played the role of Hans in the live-action Attack on Titan film adaptation, which Shinji Higuchi also directed.
Hideaki Anno (Neon Genesis Evangelion) will direct the film and remarked that “Shin”, usually meaning “new” was chosen as part of the title because it can carry multiple connotations such as “god” and “true”. Special Effects director Shinji Higuchi says this is expected to be the largest Godzilla ever.
Shin Godzilla will premiere during the summer of 2016, 12 years after the most recent Japanese Godzilla film, Godzilla: Final Wars. 12 years marks the longest span of time without a Japanese Godzilla film.
Source: Sponichi
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