ToQGer Weapons Revealed
More from this month’s leaked Terebi-Kun magazine, details on upcoming Ressha Sentai ToQger. This takes a look at the teams weapons and the mecha.
The main weapon of the ToQgers is the ToQBlaster, which can be a sword or a gun. They change the mode multiple times depending on the type of enemy and the area. It has two different modes – Kirimasu Mode (Cutting Mode) and Uchimasu Mode (Shooting Mode).
The Shadow Monster in the scan is named Bag Shadow.
Weapon Add-on: Scope Ressha. By equipping their personal Scope Ressha, they can increase the power of their attacks.
The source of the ToQgers power is the power to dream (Imagination). Dreaming of a bright, peaceful future, the ToQgers fight everyday.
Announcement: “Thank you very much for your continued use. ToQOh is about to be completed.”
ToQOh’s weapon is the Fumikiri Sword (Level Crossing Sword), which can transform into a cannon.
Ressha Sentai ToQger will begin airing on February 16th.
Source: Terebi-Kun (March 2014 issue)
All English translations are accredited to The Tokusatsu Network staff members. Please do not repost without crediting and directly linking back to the original Tokusatsu Network article.

January 29, 2014 at 3:19 pm
Imagination is their source of power?? Thats weird. We got Chi power for Dairangers, Mojakara for Shinkengers and what do the Toqgers have?? Their imagination.. So couldnt they just use their imagination to get rid of the villains and finish the series in one episode??