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Sponsored Comics Corner: Red Belt Exclusive #7


Sponsored Comics Corner: Red Belt Exclusive #7

Red Belt webcomic creator James Findlay shares part seven of an exclusive episode for Tokusatsu Network viewers.

Red Belt is a tokusatsu webcomic created by James Findlay that publishes regularly with its three heroes in its forefront: Red Tiger, Green Hawk, and Blue Shark. Each have unique powers from Villajns they defeat while coming across many antics during their battles.

“Great” Througher Mole lamented. The injured(?) Sonicer Hare still clinging on her back and her sewer escape now compromised! “Just Great...” Blue Shark stands before them, ready to strike at any time, but before a fight can ensues, Mole strikes a nearby pipe open with her wrench! *Plonk* “HEY” Shouted Hare as Mole’s stuck a Plunger onto her from her tool-belt! Then, in an instant, Mole uses her power as Througher to suck herself and Hare into the small open pipe! A visage that confounds Blue Shark!

More parts of the exclusive episode are planned for release soon. For more information on the comic, visit the Red Belt website.

Red Belt Exclusive TokuNet Series:

Editor-in-Chief obsessed with karate bugmen, spandex heroes, & giant men of light.

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