This Week in Toku Actor Blogs [7/21 to 7/27]
This week in Toku Actor Blogs, it’s a lot more fun to beat the heat in groups.
- Some of the Go-Busters met up!
- Arisa Komiya (Yoko from Go-Busters) goes to the Ibis Summer Dash
- Ryoma Baba (Ryuji from Go-Busters) heads to the waterfalls
- The Zero-One cast head out together in the cast bus
- Fumiya Takahashi (Aruto from Zero-One) poses with Zero-P
- Nao Tsurushima (Izu from Zero-One) shows off her Kuromi head accessory
- Ichika Osaki (Asuna from Ryusoulger) enjoys some ice cream
- Hayate Ichinose (Koh from Ryusoulger) goes traveling with Little Koh
- While Keito Tsuna (Melto from Ryusoulger) spies on him as he does

Touma Kamijou
July 31, 2019 at 1:43 am
Gladly Arisa is now well from her skin allergy.