This Week in Toku Actor Blogs [6/10 to 6/16]
This week in Toku Actor Blogs, hot days encourages warm gatherings.
- The Fourze alumni who will appear in the BLEACH movie do the Fourze pose
- Kasumi Yamaya (Kasumi from Ninninger) takes her dog out for a walk
- Haruka Tateishi (Amu from Zyuohger) enjoys oyster in the outdoor
- Koji Seto (Wataru from Kiva) welcomes to bright summer sun
- Arisa Komiya (Yoko from Go-Busters) was finally able to get a frappucino from Starbucks
- Kanna Mori (Natsumi from Decade) enjoys a drinking night with her friends
- Happy Birthday to Atsuhiro Inukai (Sento from Build)
- Kaho Takada and Yukari Taki (Misora and Sawa from Build) have matching parkas
- Kouhei Takeda (Kazumi from Build) goes out with his Pomeranian