BOOM! Studios Launches New Standalone App
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers publisher BOOM! Studios just launched their own iOS app.
BOOM! Studios, the publisher of the new MMPR comics line, revealed their new comics-reading app in a press release yesterday. The result of a partnership with Madefire, a mobile-comics platform, the app is available on iTunes now, and will come to Google Play soon.
From the press release:
Los Angeles, Calif. (January 18, 2017) – BOOM! Studios and Madefire announced today the launch of the BOOM! Studios app, available now on the iTunes App Store and coming soon to Google Play.
In partnership with the innovative mobile-comics platform Madefire, using their Motion Book Publisher service, BOOM! Studios is the newest standalone app to feature BOOM!’s acclaimed library of acclaimed comics from all four imprints – BOOM! Studios, BOOM! Box, KaBOOM!, and Archaia – along with day-and-date major releases, including today’s Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #11 and WWE #1. The app is free to download and titles will be available to purchase at their printed cover price on the day of release with older issues, original graphic novels, and collections available at a reduced price.
“The BOOM! Studios app is the perfect one-stop destination for digital comics readers to discover the latest issues of their favorite series and every single new release,” said Filip Sablik, President of Publishing & Marketing, BOOM! Studios. “As BOOM! enters its biggest year yet, we’re committed to making it even easier to discover hit series, new and old, from all our imprints on mobile devices.”
The BOOM! Studios app will offer day-and-date releases for every new BOOM! comic, graphic novel, collection, and more every Wednesday with a seamless reading experience on both smartphones and tablets. Never miss another issue ofLumberjanes, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, WWE, Steven Universe, The Woods, and more from BOOM!.
“We’re very proud to power the BOOM! Studios app, ensuring BOOM! has a digital library accessible to even more fans,” said Ben Wolstenholme, CEO, Madefire. “Our company focuses on the best digital experience so that BOOM! can continue to focus on creating award-winning content for fans to enjoy on any of their mobile devices!”
Source: Press Release