TokuNet Comics Corner: November
The TokuNet Comics Corner returns for November’s releases.
Welcome back to the TokuNet Comics Corner! We’ve got two returning titles from last month’s post and a follow-up to something we talked about in our podcast. To see what we said about Pacific Rim and Monstress, go here.
November’s New Releases:
Ultraman Vol. 2: Eiichi Shimizu and Tomohiro Shimoguchi’s sequel to the original Ultraman continues as Shinjiro Hayata struggles with whether or not he’s ready to become the hero his father was. He gets a little “coaching” from Edo, the Alien Zetton we met at the end of Vol. 1.
Vol. 2 steps up the action and intrigue. We see a more of the conspiracy hinted at in the previous volume and we meet a new character who may have ties to one of the other Ultra Brothers. I wasn’t entirely on-board after Vol. 1, but Vol. 2 stepped it up and grabbed my attention.
Project Nemesis #2: Issue #2 of Jeremy Robinson and Matt Frank’s book kicks the story into high gear as the titular kaiju escapes and makes her way towards civilization. The book’s four main characters finally run into each other, and our heroes get clued into the larger mystery at play.
The forest of Maine is certainly a unique setting for a kaiju attack, and it’s satisfying to see the ever-growing Nemesis wreak havoc on the various locals.
Godzilla in Hell #5: IDW’s miniseries wraps up with an issue by Dave Wachter. All of Godzilla’s trials in the previous issues pay off as he finally reaches Hell’s master, a Lovecraftian being residing at the top of an insurmountable mountain guarded by a legion of bat-like demons.
Wachter’s issue gives the series an appropriately epic ending. The King of Monsters finally faces an enemy he can’t beat until he searches inside himself and comes to peace with his fate. The art is the best it’s been since James Stokoe’s #1, and the last three or so pages are so beautiful, I wouldn’t mind hanging them on my wall.
Look Back:
Task Force Rad Squad #1-3: I know “___ on acid” is kind of played out, but “Power Rangers on acid” is an eerily apt description of TFRS, by Caleb Goellner, Buster Moody and Ryan Hill. TFRS features a team of washed-up heroes who are called back into action and have to fight against not only giant monsters, but also their growing disdain for each other.