Guillermo del Toro Announces New Pacific Rim Animated Series and Sequel
As a follow up to the success of his tokusatsu-inspired blockbuster hit, Pacific Rim, Guillermo del Toro announced today that an upcoming animated series as well as the movie’s sequel currently in development.
Released in 2013, Pacific Rim was critically-acclaimed but only grossed $101.8 million in the American box office. However, it went on to become the #1 international film during its overseas opening weekend, gaining the honor of being the sixth-highest grossing American film in China.
In addition to its international success, Pacific Rim struck a resounding chord with fans, including robot anime pioneer Go Nagai and Metal Gear Solid creator Hideo Kojima, who dubbed it the “ultimate Otaku film.” In the States, Pacific Rim‘s popularity has led to several fan-run events on and offline, including the Tumblr-based Jaegercon and the Atlanta Shatterdome convention held last May.
Source: Legendary Pictures YouTube Channel, Hideo Kojima Sounds Off on Pacific Rim