Mostly Speakin’ Sentai #134: “Stepping on a Pencil: Yes or No?” w/ Sam “Komatose” Rocha!
Nicole & James are joined by underground rap / horrorcore legend Sam “Komatose” Rocha to discuss J-horror and evil dying TONIGHT while analyzing REAL tall elementary students in Fiveman!
It’s a BIG one this week, and not just because Nicole & James watched episode 7 of Fiveman entitled “The 45m Grade Schooler”! It’s that their guest is a horrorcore legend! Coming from Omaha, curtesy of Cutthroat Productions, they have the amazing Sam “Komatose” Rocha on the show! Join them as they discuss coffee instructions, Hippo Dash, Butterfingers, Mic Stan, “I, Madman”, pumpkins, Mr. Belvedere, J-Horror, mania, heart attacks, Halloween Kills, swinging, pirating our guest’s music, flange effects, dinner tables, closet sleeping, their friend Eleven, Mexican-American history, producing woes, & more!
Listen to Komatose’s music on all music platforms and on cutthroatproductions.bandcamp.com (we’d suggest “The Uglier” as a starting off point), hear him discuss food on “Faturday Omaha”, be on the lookout for his film “Fowl Uprising” coming to TromaNow later this year from his production company “Omahero Films”, and watch him play games and perform live over at Twitch.tv/LiveFromStudioC!
Listen to Mostly Speakin’ Sentai on Anchor, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Breaker, Castbox, Google Podcasts, Overcast, Pocket Casts, RadioPublic, & Stitcher!
Check out their exclusive shows by signing up on Patreon.com/MLMpod! You can also listen to the podcast, along with video game live stream, on the Mostly Speakin’ Sentai Twitch channel!