Actor News
Seiji Takaiwa Announces His Departure From JAE
Veteran tokusatsu suit actor Seiji Takaiwa has announced his departure from JAE.
Veteran tokusatsu suit actor and stunt performer Seiji Takaiwa announced his departure from JAE (Japan Action Enterprise) after 35 years. Taikawa made the announcement via his official Twitter account on October 31st, 2021:
昨日 JAEより報告がありましたが
この度 35年間お世話になりましたJAEを退所する事となりました。
ファンの皆様 多大なる応援 ありがとうございました。
今後はフリーランスとして活動をして参りますが 皆様には変わらぬご支援を賜りたく存じます。”
(“Excuse me on Twitter.
There was a report from JAE yesterday.
I am leaving JAE, but they have been of great help to me for the 35 years I’ve been with them.
And I am also thankful for the support of all of my fans. I will continue to work as a freelancer in the future, but I would like to ask for your continued support.”
#高岩成二 )
Japan Action Entertainment made the following statement via Livedoor:
“We would like to give our heartfelt thanks to all of our fans and supporters, and we apologize for this sudden announcement. On October 31, one of our talents, Seiji Takaiwa, has informed us that he will end his contract with us and continue his activities as a freelancer. We will continue to support Seiji Takaiwa in his future endeavors. We would like to thank all of you for your continued support.”
Taikawa is widely known to tokusatsu fans for being the suit actor behind 18 of the 20 titular Heisei Kamen Riders, earning him the title “Mr. Heisei Kamen Rider” from tokusatsu fans. Taikawa also has a number of Super Sentai suit credits, as well as non-suit appearances in series such as Kamen Rider Ghost and Kamen Rider Zi-O.