BOOM! Studios Announces Saban’s Power Rangers: The Psycho Path Graphic Novel
BOOM! Studios, the publishers who expanded the Power Rangers universe through their comics, are back at it again and this time things are getting…Psycho.
“Psycho Red! Psycho Black! Psycho Blue! Psycho Yellow! Psycho Pink! Now we’ll show you what a Psycho Ranger can do!”
The Psycho Rangers were created to not only destroy the In Space Power Rangers, but to help Astronema overthrow Dark Specter, since their powers were tied to him. However, the Psychos were too obsessed with destroying the Rangers and became increasingly frustrated, leading to their defeat. The Psychos still lived on as spirits. Later, the Psychos succeeded in entering a data card machine, giving them their physical bodies back. The Power Rangers then managed to transform the Psychos into data cards, sealing them away forever….or so they thought.
Just like the In Space Power Rangers, the Psycho Rangers also had Japanese counterparts. In Denji Sentai Megaranger (Power Rangers In Space‘s Sentai counterpart), the Psycho Rangers were known as the Jaden Sentai Neziranger, with the evil warriors respectively being Nezi Red, Nezi Black, Nezi Blue, Nezi Yellow, and Nezi Pink. However, unlike the Psycho Rangers, the Nezirangers were actually “strengthening suits” devised by two I.N.E.T. scientists for the protection of Earth: Dr. Samejima and Professor Kubota. The suit design was dark and twisted, in reflection of Samejima’s complete corruption. The Nezirangers also had names for their monster forms with Red’s being NeziPhantom, Black’s being NeziVulgar, Blue’s being NeziBizarre, Yellow’s being NeziSophia, and Pink’s being NeziJealous.
The Psycho Rangers also appeared in Power Rangers Lost Galaxy Episode 30: “To The Tenth Power” where Deviot frees the Psycho Rangers and sends them after the Lost Galaxy Power Rangers. But the In Space Rangers return and team up with them to defeat the Psycho Rangers.
Power Rangers: The Psycho Path will be centered around the mysterious return of the Psycho Rangers, with no one knowing who brought them back or how. It’s up to Andros (Red In Space Ranger) and Karone (Pink Lost Galaxy Ranger II) to find out and stop them.
Here’s the official description:
“In Saban’s Power Rangers: The Psycho Path, the struggle between good and evil goes galactic as secret origins are revealed and lives are changed forever in this epic original graphic novel story that delves deep into the origins and motivations of the ultimate adversaries of the Power Rangers, the Psycho Rangers! They’re are faster, stronger, and smarter…but evil. Created by Karone when she was still the evil Astronema, the Psycho Rangers were programmed with overwhelming hate for all things Power Rangers. They were defeated at great personal cost by the Power Rangers, but now someone has brought them back and they are more murderous than ever before.
Who brought these monstrous, twisted Rangers back, and why? And can Karone, the former Lost Galaxy Pink Ranger, and her brother Andros, the Red In Space Ranger, stop the Psychos before they bring the universe to its knees?”
Dafna Pleban, Senior Editor at BOOM! Studios, even says, “Everything turns upside down as Karone and Andros are forced to deal with the rise of the Psycho Rangers, causing Karone to struggle with her identity as the dark and power-hungry Astronema and pulling Andros along for the ride as he tries to help his sister. Things get dark and dire in space, giving fans a chance to glimpse into the shadows behind the mysterious rebirth of these twisted versions of the original mighty heroes.”
Saban’s Power Rangers: The Psycho Path is written by Paul Allor, drawn by Marcelo Costa (Power Rangers: Soul of the Dragon), and the cover is by Diego Galindohits. The graphic novel hits shelves of comic book stores on October 9th and hits bookstores on October 15th.