Cosplayer Feature
Cosplayer Feature: Remy Tyndle
Remy Tyndle is an American actor and cosplayer, who uses his unique style and voice to do English covers of Kamen Rider theme songs.
What got you interested in cosplay?
When I attended my first convention, I saw these amazing cosplayers being praised like celebrities. People ran up to them to take their picture and compliment them. It made me think, “Wow, that must be nice, having strangers look up to you like that, if even just for a few seconds.” To know that I could be approached this way, is ultimately what got me into cosplay.
When and how did you discover tokusatsu?
Thanks to a friend of mine from high school, I heard about a show called “Kamen Rider” in 2012. From that point on, he wouldn’t stop talking to me about it! At first, I never gave enough thought to look into it myself–I just thought it was some old anime or something. Eventually, I caved and started watching Kamen Rider Kabuto. I kept going until I practically finished all of them up until I had caught up to the current running series, Kamen Rider Gaim. I even started watching Garo!
Can you walk us through your process of creating a cosplay?
I typically buy the clothing for my cosplays. This is because I don’t make time to acquire space, equipment or the skill to fabricate my own costumes. I’ll try my best to make what I can from scratch, but what I can’t buy from a store or make myself will be done through a commissioner. My personal policy for cosplaying is to go for a rare/original character. For my civilian Rider cosplays, I used to try making my outfits as accurate as possible to the character in the show. Nowadays I get a lot of enjoyment from assembling a completely new look, from my imagination. This first became apparent with my creation of the Western Kamen Rider Ghost (seen above). A lot of my fans seem to appreciate that.
If you could cosplay any character, who would it be?
What is your favorite tokusatsu series and why?
The one with the bug-men! Why? Over-the-top special effects, the suit designs, the openings, the exaggerated transformation poses and dances–it’s all just fantastic!
What’s the funniest experience you’ve had while cosplaying?
I was at MAGfest 2015, and there was only guy who saw my Complete Selection Modification Kabuto Zecter and not refer it to as Big Bad Beetleborgs: ZeronXepher (I didn’t know who he was at the time)
What advice would you give to yourself when you first started?
“Put aside a buttload of money and order this thing, called The Complete Selection Kamen Rider Kuuga Arcle. You don’t know what it is now, but you’ll thank yourself later.”
Where can we find your work?
My recent cosplays have been the Rider’s respective civilian outfit for the Henshin sequence videos to my Kamen Rider theme song covers. You can see those on my YouTube Channel: Remy Tyndle, or on my Facebook fan page.
Do you have any cosplays you’re currently working on that you’d like to share?
It’s too early to share pictures, but I am getting the ball rolling for a duo cosplay: Western counterparts for Hino Eiji and Ankh. Recently, the majority of my subscribers are requesting that I cover “Anything Goes”, the opening song for Kamen Rider OOO. Hopefully, I can give them that before this Christmas. I commissioned The Next Decade for Ankh’s arm, so I’m finalizing my Western Eiji in the meantime… and his name will be Kojo.
A big thank you to Remy Tyndle for giving his time for this interview! Please give his covers a listen on his Youtube Channel and give him a like on Facebook. He is doing great work in the tokusatsu community with both his voice and his creative cosplays.