Tamashii Nations 10th Anniversary World Tour Showcases Tokusatsu Figurines
TeamTokuNet’s social media manager and contributor, Amber, attended the Tamashii Nations 10th Anniversary World Tour in search of tokusatsu figurines.
This past weekend, Tamashii Nations 10th Anniversary World Tour hosted a two-day event within Grand Central Terminal in the heart of New York City to showcase their various figurine lines. The event showcased figurines from multiple pop-culture shows and movies such as Star Wars, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Dragonball, Naruto, and much more. The tour focused on highlighting figurines from Dragonball and featured a giant Shenron overlooking us all.
As a tokusatsu fan with a figurine obsession, I was looking forward to seeing what Tamashii Nations brought for fans like myself. During the event, they were showcasing several Power Rangers figurines including the recently released Soul of Chogokin GX-72 Megazord. At their main display desk, fans were able to interact with the individual Zords and put the Megazord together with Tamashii Nations staff available for questions. A representative told us two staff members, Tsuyoshi Nonaka and Daishi Kato, who designed the original 1992 Shinka Gattai DX Daizyujin, came back to the team for this redesign.
Next to the Power Rangers, Tamashii Nations unveiled the new Soul of Chogokin Gipsy Danger Jaeger of the Pacific Rim: Uprising movie to the public. Though only for display, the incredible detail of the figurine was a showstopper. The figurine stood tall with several points of articulation throughout its joints. No details on a release date or price were announced during the event, but it certainly caught the attention of everyone at the event.
On the other side of the event, they showcased the S.H Monster Arts line featuring a few different Godzillas and classic Kaijus. My favorites amongst the display were the Super Mechagodzilla, Destroyah Special Color Version, and the Godzilla 1995 Ultimate Burning Version. They also had classic figures on display such as the Godzilla 1954 and Kou Kyou Kyoku Godzilla 1989. Separate from the display, they featured the recently released Mothra Larvae and Butler Larvae Special Color Version.
A representative I spoke to raved about the huge demand for more additions to the S.H. Monster Arts line internationally and how beloved the figurines are in the U.S. He also mentioned the possibility of adding Pacific Rim Kaiju to the line in the future.
Right across from the Godzilla display, they featured several new figurines and items from Sailor Moon. Their main attraction was the Figuarts Super Sailor Moon, Super Sailor Mercury, Super Sailor Mars, and Tuxedo Mask. Behind them was the beautiful 1:1 scale Proplica Kaleidomoon Scope, which lit up and played music. They also displayed other items from the show such as Proplica x Zero Chouette Tuxedo Mirage Memorial Ornament. As a big Sailor Moon fan, these replicas and figurines were jaw-dropping.
Lastly, within the same display as Mothra, Tamashii Nations showcased the Ultra-Act x Figuarts Ultraman Limiter Release Version from the Ultraman manga. The figurine was only for display purposes and, according to a representative, was put on the show floor to gauge the interest of the fans. He commented that Ultraman has a demand in the international audience, but they were unsure if there would be enough interest in more being produced. Up close, the figurine was stunning with incredible detail and a beautiful paint job.
During the event, I spotted a cosplayer who created a full armor build of Kamen Rider Genm from Kamen Rider Ex-Aid, which made me wonder if there were any Kamen Rider figurines on display. A representative I spoke to acknowledged the popularity of Kamen Rider internationally but commented the demand was not high enough to bring figures to this stop in the tour. However, Tamashii Nations did host a tour the same weekend in Osaka, Japan where several Kamen Rider figuarts were on display.
Overall, it was a great experience to interact with fellow fans and see various beautiful figurines from many different brands. The Tamashii Nations staff and representatives were extremely helpful in answering any questions while allowing us to get up close to the figurines. As a tokusatsu fan, this tour reaffirmed that our community is strong and happy to support bringing our favorite heroes to the U.S.
All photos taken by ShadowFX Productions. Please do not repost or alter in any way without permission and proper credit.