Premium Bandai Announces DX Heisei 10 Legend Rider Gashat Set
Premium Bandai announced the DX Heisei 10 Legend Rider Gashat Set, a set containing Legend Rider Gashat for Kamen Riders Kuuga through Decade.
Much like the Legend Rider Ghost Eyecons from Kamen Rider Ghost, the Kamen Rider Ex-Aid set compiles Kamen Rider Kuuga through Kamen Rider Decade in one set, while the newer Heisei Riders of Kamen Rider Double through Kamen Rider Ghost were released through other retail means. All ten Gashat included in this set are of DX build and quality, matching the other Heisei Riders released at retail.
Like previously released or announced Legend Rider Gashat, the ten Heisei Riders all star in their own game titled around the events or themes of the series. Each Gashat is colored to mirror the color scheme of each respective main Rider’s base suit in some fashion. Each Gashat’s “screen” features the title of the game, as well as each Rider in the middle, shining through to the center of the Gamer Driver when inserted and activated. All Gashat activate the “Let’s Ride! Mecha Ride! Mucha Ride! What’s Your Ride?!” Level 1 transformation jingle when inserted.
The list of Gashat and their activation phrases are as follows (translations in parenthesis):
Kamen Rider Kuuga
Bouken Yarou Kuuga Gashat (Adventure Guy Kuuga)
Level 2: Mighty Form! Mighty Kick! Bouken Yarou! Kuuga! (Mighty Form! Mighty Kick! Adventure Guy! Kuuga!)
Level 3: Mighty, Dragon! Pegasus, Titan! Rising, Amazing! Ultimate! Kuuga!
Kamen Rider Agito
Taiyou no Agito Gashat (Agito of the Sun)
Level 2: Flame! Storm! Ground! Burning, Shining! Taiyou no Agito! (Flame! Storm! Ground! Burning, Shining! Agito of the Sun!)
Level 3: Agito Gills G3! Mezameru Tamashii! (Agito, Gills, G3! Awakened Soul!)
Kamen Rider Ryuki
Mirror Labyrinth Ryuki Gashat
Level 2: Dragon Knight! Mirror Labyrinth Ryuki!
Level 3: Advent! Vent! Vent! Final Vent!
Kamen Rider 555
Moshi Moshi Faiz Gashat (“Moshi moshi” being a telephone greeting in Japan)
Level 2: Moshi moshi Faiz! Moshi moshi Faiz!
Level 3: Keitai Hitotsude 555! [COMPLETE] Moshi moshi Faiz! (Single Phone Number 555! [COMPLETE] Hello Faiz!)
Kamen Rider Blade
King of Poker Blade Gashat
Level 2: King! King! King! King of Sbobet Poker Blade!
Level 3: Blade Garren Ni Chalice Ni Leangle! Trump Shoubu! (Blade, Garren, Chalice, Leangle! Trump Showdown!)
Kamen Rider Hibiki
Taiko Master Hibiki Gashat
Level 2: Hit! Hit! Hit! Taiko Master Hbiki!
Level 3: Dodon don dodon! Dodon don dodon! Kitaetemasu kara Hibiki! (Dodon don dodon! Dodon don dodon! Because I’m training, Hibiki!)
Kamen Rider Kabuto
Konchuu Daisensou Kabuto Gashat (Insect War Kabuto)
Level 2: Kabuto ni Kuwagata! Hachi, Donbu! Sasori! Batta! Konchuu Daisensou! (Kabuto and Kuwagata! Bee, Dragonfly! Scorpion! Grasshopper! Insect War!)
Level 3: Te-ten-ten, ten no michi! Kya-kya-kya, Cast Off! Clock Up! Beetle! (P-P-P-Path of Heaven! C-C-C-Cast Off! Clock Up! Beetle!)
Kamen Rider Den-O
Jikuu Tokkyuu Den-O Gashat (Time Express Den-O)
Level 2: Den-Den-Den-O! Densha de Sanjou! Jikuu Tokkyuu! Ikuze Climax Jump! (Den-Den-Den-O! The train has arrived! Time Express! Go Climax Jump!
Level 3: Shuppatsu Shinkou! Momo, Ura, Kin, Ryuu! Deneb ni Sieg ni tsuide ni Teddy! (All Aboard! Momo, Ura, Kin, Ryuu! Deneb, Sieg, then Teddy!)
Kamen Rider Kiva
Dokidoki Makaijou Kiba Gashat (Dokidoki Makai Castle Kiba / Heart Pounding Spirit Castle Kiva)
Level 2: Baban ban ban vampire! Makaijou Kiva! (Babang! Vam-Vam-Vampire! Spirit Castle Kiva!)
Level 3: Dokidoki! Kamitsuki! Kivat Bat! Gabutto henshin! Vampire! (Heart pounding! Snap! Kivat Bat! Biting transformation! Vampire!)
Kamen Rider Decade
Barcode Warrior Decade Gashat
Level 2: Destroyer! Sekai no Hakaisha Barcode Warrior! (Destroyer! Destroyer of Worlds Barcode Warrior!)
Level 3: Toorisugaru sekai meguru onore Decade! (Passing through around the world, Damn you Decade!)
The page also reminds collectors that the Drive, Gaim, Wizard, and Fourze Gashat will release at retail stores in February. OOO and Double Gashats will follow in March. The Kamen Rider Ghost and Kamen Rider 1 Gashats were previously released via the All Kamen Rider Rider Revolution 3DS Game and Toei Hero World respectively in 2016.
Preorders for the DX Heisei 10 Legend Rider Gashat Set are currently live and will conclude on February 6th, 2017.
The Gashat Set will retail for ¥16,200 before fees and shipping and will begin shipping in March, 2017.
Source: Premium Bandai