TokuNet Podcast #29 – Off-Duty: Spring 2016 Anime
With the Spring anime season recently ending, Team TokuNet chats about their favorite shows of the season.
Recorded: July 6th, 2016
Another season of anime has come and gone, but while the Summer season is already underway, we take a look at some of the shows that grabbed our attention for the past few months. We talk about anime such as My Hero Academia, Re:Zero, Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable, as well as a few others. We also talk briefly about what we’re looking forward to checking out from the Summer anime line-up.
This is a spoiler-heavy episode as we discuss various shows from the season in depth.
- Yasin Bulhan – @InuiTakumi23
- Kitty L. – @kalliburr
- Jorge Salas – @aoikurenaiTN
- David White – @TheCeleryMan
This episode is sponsored by the good folks at Comics vs Toys.
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Intro & Outro Music: Son of a Rocket by Kevin Macleod at incompetech