New Power Rangers POP! Vinyl Figures Announced
FUNKO extends its popular Power Rangers POP! Vinyl figures line and adds four more classic members from Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers.
In a blog post announcement on Tuesday, FUNKO expands its Power Rangers POP! Vinyl figure line to include the Green, Black, Blue, an Yellow Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. The blog post excitedly noted:
The original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers are ready for battle!
Between the Green Ranger’s martial arts skills, Black Ranger’s strength,
Yellow Ranger’s quick wit, and Blue Ranger’s intelligence,
there’s nothing they can’t overcome!
These figures are set for wide release August 2016.
Their initial batch of Power Rangers POP! Vinyls consisted of the Red, White
, and Pink Rangers
. These figures are currently “vaulted,” which means new figures may or may not be rereleased to retailers.
FUNKO was founded as a bobblehead company in 1998 and moved on to become one of the leading purveyors of pop culture and licensed figures.
Source: FUNKO Blog