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Next Time on Shuriken Sentai Ninninger: Shinobi 41
The Ninningers cautiously enter a competition in Shinobi 41 of Shuriken Sentai Ninninger: The Kibaoni Party and the Five competitions!
Shinobi 41: The Kibaoni Party and the Five competitions!
Written by Kento Shimoyama
Directed by Hiroyuki Kato
Mangetsu has invited the Ninningers to the succession party of the Head of House Kibaoni. The team decides to go in spite of knowing that it is a trap. There, Super Elite Youkai Shutendouji challenges them to a five competition match. First, a kite battle against Yakumo. Next is a Yabusame match with Kasumi riding a horse composed of Takaharu, Nagi and Yakumo. The third competition is a dancing match that shows Fuuka and Kinji’s dancing skills. The fourth match is a tug of war with Takaharu. And the fifth match is armwrestling. A certain someone hears about this and comes to the Ninninger’s aid.
Mangetsu’s intentions, however, go far beyond a simple competition…