Gaim Gaiden Twitter Teases New Villains
The official Twitter account for the Kamen Rider Gaim Gaiden series of films has tweeted sneak peeks at the upcoming villains in the Kamen Rider Duke and Kamen Rider Knuckle Gaim Gaiden specials.
The first villain, slated for the Kamen Rider Duke portion of the film, is Kamen Rider Savior. Savior uses the Zakuro (Pomegranate) Lockseed in conjunction with a Genesis Core and the Blood Orange to transform. This marks the first time that a transformation is done using a Genesis Core and two non-Energy Lockseeds. The suit itself appears to be a mash-up of Kamen Rider Mars Golden Arms and Kamen Rider Bujin Gaim Blood Orange Arms. He uses a Daidaimaru as well as a newly recolored Sonic Arrow known as the Savior Arrow.
The tweet regarding Kamen Rider Savior reads,
“Here is the new Armoured Rider that will be appearing the Duke V-Cinema. His name is Kamen Rider Saviour. What connection could he possibly have to Ryouma?”
The next villain, slated for the Kamen Rider Knuckle portion of the film is Kamen Rider Black Baron. As the name suggests, he is a black suited take on Baron, using the standard Banana Arms suit and Banaspear weapon. The true identity of this Rider is unknown.
The tweet regarding Kamen Rider Black Baron reads,
“In the Knuckle V-Cinema, this new Armoured Rider will be Kamen Rider Black Baron! A black Baron? Could it be… Kaito?”
Source: Gaim Gaiden Twitter (Savior), Gaim Gaiden Twitter (Black Baron)
All English translations are accredited to The Tokusatsu Network staff members. Please do not repost without crediting and directly linking back to the original Tokusatsu Network article.