Power Rangers Beast Morphers Cast Revealed at Morphicon
The cast for next year’s show was revealed during this year’s Power Morphicon convention.
Rorrie D. Travis will play the Red Beast Morpher
Jacqueline Scislowski will play the Yellow Beast Morpher
Jasmeet Baduwalia will play the Blue Beast Morpher
Power Rangers Beast Morphers will be based on footage from 2012’s Tokumei Sentai Go-Busters and is the first time a Power Rangers series has gone backwards to adapted an older Sentai series.
The series is set in the future and follows a secret agency and their newly discovered “Morph-X” substance that combines animal DNA with humans to create the Beast Morphers team.
A teaser trailer for Beast Morphers was shown at the Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel panel.
Source: Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel panel at Power Morphicon, Gizmodo