Avataro Sentai Donbrother’s Hirofumi Suzuki Interview
Read Hirofumi Suzuki’s interview, the first actor to portray a male pink ranger.
Playing Pink
I don’t feel any different than if I were in another production and was told “you’re going to play a doctor”, this time I’m told I’m “Playing pink” so it’s not that I don’t feel any pressure, I’m experiencing the same pressure I feel all the time. I feel happy knowing that I’m the only one who gets to experience playing the first male pink in this world.
Do you like the color pink?
If the choices were pink and another color, I’d go with pink. When we (the other Donbrothers cast members) talked about our favorite colors, everyone picked their own color except me (laughs), I picked red. I didn’t grow up in an environment where one would pick pink, but since being cast as pink, I’ve grown attachment to the color, and I’d even use the color to sign autographs.
An ordinary person transforming into a hero
There are parts of the other members that make them unique, and parts of them that make them pop-out like winning the Manga Award at a young age, but Tsuyoshi really has nothing going for him. When I play the character, I really want to channel his humanness. When I work on the post-dubbing for Kijibrother (portrayed by suit actor Masashi Takada), I’d have my own thoughts about the shouts like the “Ha!” or the “Hoo.” I find myself consciously fighting with my lines, thinking “If it were an ordinary person, they’d say it like this.”
On being the oldest
At first I thought it’d be a young-ins only club… but young-ins playing heroes are more than that. They’re all friendly and we all get along.
What is your team’s goal
I finally have my start as an actor, and I want to be able to get roles as an actor with my own name after a year. I want to play many roles.
What kind of role do you want to play?
I don’t really have any particular role I want to play because I want to play all of them. I want to make CoZaTo× (a five-member theater unit Suzuki is a part of) like TEAM NACS, a famous theater unit formed in 1996) and my main goal is for the five of us to become famous together, whether it be appearing in commercials, variety shows, or performing on stage. I want to be the Ken Yasuda of the group.
Tsuyoshi is a person who is now everywhere to me. He’s here even as we speak. If even someone like him can become a hero, then that means anyone can be someone’s hero. Even if you don’t have confidence in yourself, I still think you’re a hero if you do an everyday kind of thing, like give up your seat to someone on the train, or doing kind things for others. I want to make Tsuyoshi like that kind of hero, the everyday kind of person.
47th Sentai
During our in-person meet, the production team told us “You are the 46th team of heroes. After 45 years, we are in our 46th year. There may not be a 47th, depending on you guys.”
I thought Super Sentai was an every year kind of thing, but if we fall short, we might ruin the faces of our predecessors, and the dreams and hopes of those who were supposed to continue in the 47th year might be lost. When I think about all that, I’m no longer just thinking about getting through the year, but rather, if we fail, it’s all over. I want to take on each episode and leave everyone feeling like it was a great year.
Source: Yahoo!