How To Vote On The NHK Kamen Rider Poll
The Japan Broadcasting Corporation is currently holding a Kamen Rider popularity poll that fans around the world can vote on. Voting ends October 17, and results will be broadcast on November 6.
NHK is currently holding a Kamen Rider popularity poll that international fans can vote on. The polls are split into three categories: series, individual riders, and songs. You can vote in each category up to three times. To add your votes, go to the voting page.
The buttons in order lead you to the Series, Kamen Rider, and Music pages. Once you have selected your choice, you will be taken to the submission form. The mandatory fields to fill in are as follows:
- Please tell us your reasons and memories for choosing this series
- Nickname
- Age
- Gender (Male, Female, Other)
- Prefecture (If you are outside of Japan, select the choice at the very bottom of the dropdown box, ‘日本国外’)
The notice below the fields reads:
- The contents you send may be introduced in the program or on this website.
- The content may be changed on the program side.
- When making a referral, we will give due consideration to personal information so that no individual can be identified.
- The posted information will not be used for any purpose other than the program or this website.
By checking the checkbox you agree to the above notice. Finally, select the red box to submit your choice, or select the grey box to reset all submission fields. You will be taken to a ‘thank you’ page. The black button will redirect you to twitter so you can share a tweet about the NHK poll.
The poll will close on October 17 at 11:59pm (Japan Standard Time). The results will be broadcast on BS Premium on November 6 from 10:30pm-12:30am.
Source: NHK

Dalcy Muniz
September 20, 2021 at 10:12 am
thankyou to help with translation hope every oversea fan vote!