Roleplay Toys
Ultraman Z November 2020 DX Ultra Medal Round-Up
Bandai has released information about all the new Ultra Medals coming out in November for use with the Z Riser and Dark Riser.
Four sets of DX Ultra Medals for use with the transformation devices of Ultraman Z will release this month featuring “Ultra legends” as part of the DX Ultra Medal Ultra Legend series.
DX Ultra Medal Ultra Legend Set EX01 is comprised of Ultra Medals for the five members of Ultimate Force Zero plus Ultraman Geed’s Ultra Medal, making this an Ultraman Zero 10th anniversary set featuring Ultraman Zero and his friends. Set EX01 includes the Shining Ultraman Zero medal, Glenfire medal, Miller Night medal, Jean-bot medal, Jean-Nine medal, and the Ultraman Geed medal.
DX Ultra Medal Ultra Legend Set EX02 is a set of medals based on the upgraded forms of the New Generation Ultras. This includes Ultra Medals for Ultraman Ginga Strium, Ultraman Victory Knight, Ultraman Exceed X, Ultraman Geed Royal Megamaster, Ultraman Ruebe, and Ultraman Taiga Tri-Strium.
DX Ultra Medal Ultra Legend Sets EX01 and EX02 are both set to release on November 14th for 1,650 yen each.
DX Ultra Medal Ultra Legend Set EX03 is also based around powered-up forms of New Generation Ultra heroes. This time, the Ultra Medals are based on final forms. Included medals are Ultraman Ginga Victory, Ultraman Exceed X with Beta Spark Armor, Ultraman Orb Orb Trinity, Ultraman Geed Ultimate Final, Ultraman Groob, and Ultraman Reiga.
Finally, the DX Ultra Medal Ultra Legend Set EX04 features Ultra heroes from before the New Generation era. This includes the 6 Ultra Brothers medal and Ultra Medals for Ultraman 80, Ultraman Justice, Ultraman Hikari, Luna Miracle Zero, and Ultraman Ribut.
DX Ultra Medal Ultra Legend Sets EX03 and EX04 will release on November 28th also for 1,650 yen each.
Source: Bandai (1), (2), (3), (4)