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Next Time on Kamen Rider Saber: Episode 2
Touma learns the secrets behind his new abilities in the next episode of Kamen Rider Saber, The Water Swordsman, and a Blue Lion.
Episode 2: The Water Swordsman, and a Blue Lion
Screenplay written by Takuro Fukuda
Directed by Takayuki Shibasaki
Action Directed by Jun Watanabe (Japan Action Enterprise)
Special Effects Directed by Hiroshi Butsuda (Tokusatsu Kenkyuujo)
With the Holy Sword of flame, Touma saves the town from the strange incident, but mysteries like the sword, book, and the strange world only intensify.
In a sudden moment, Touma (Syuichiro Naito) and Mei (Asuka Kawazu) are visited by Rintaro (Takaya Yamaguchi), who says he’s a member of the Sword of Logos, an organization that has long maintained balance in the world since ancient times, protecting “books with power” (the Wonder Ride Books).
Because of its immense and dangerous power, Rintaro tells Touma to hand him the Wonder Ride Book, but Touma refuses because it is of great importance to him. Now annoyed, Rintaro takes Touma to the Sword of Logos headquarters located at Northern Base and introduces him to Sophia (Rina Chinen). What are the amazing facts and secrets Sophia tells of the Wonder Ride Book and of Kamen Rider?
Meanwhile, Storius (Robin Furuya) and his team try to make a new Alter Ride Book. Rintaro brings along Touma, and they start to move out to save the city, but…