TokuNet Podcast #56 – Coronavirus Effects on Tokusatsu
In episode 56 of the TokuNet podcast, the team discusses how the COVID-19 pandemic affected tokusatsu productions and how they are coping with a new normal.
The COVID-19 pandemic saw changes across the world in every aspect of life including our beloved tokusatsu. This week, we talk about the timeline of the coronavirus starting with Rio Komiya’s diagnosis to what we hope for the future in this new normal. Please note, this episode was recorded on July 3, 2020, and many things have changed since then.
- Nicole Amber – @destinyambercos
- Yasin Bulhan – @KeitaiOkami
- Josh Saucedo – @JoshKnight1st
- Tony Carota – @Tonykc1992
Podcast Editor: HenshinKitty
Podcast Feature Art by Travis Butts
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