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If you wanted more SHATTERED GRID and more Lord Drakkon then the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers 2018 annual is the comic you need to pick up following MMPR #26.

Writers: Kyle Higgins, Ryan Parrott, Anthony Burch, Adam Cesare, and more!
Artists: Dylan Burnett, Marcus To, Patrick Mullholland, and more!

BOOM! Studios has brought together a full team of writers and artists to show just how far-reaching SHATTERED GRID is with multiple short stories focusing on different Ranger teams fighting against Lord Drakkon.

The teams featured are Zeo, RPM, In Space, SPD, and Ninja Steel and while that may sound like a lot, each story adds to the already epic feeling of SHATTERED GRID. The Zeo story starts heartwarming with a cameo from MMPR Red Ranger Jason Lee Scott, but the story quickly gets tense when Lord Drakkon attacks and we see that while he wants to destroy all Rangers, he hates other Tommy Olivers the most.

Lord Drakkon’s rampage continues across the other stories and we see his new Samurai enhanced suit in action. Some teams fair better than others when armies of evil Ranger soldiers come pouring in from another world and we get to see hints of which Rangers will go on to play a bigger role in the main series. We also get to see further details of Lord Drakkon’s evil plan as he collects Ranger Artifacts to further empower himself and learn about his warped worldview.

This annual is an altogether great issue; none of the stories are boring or feel out of place and if you wanted Rangers besides the MMPR team this comic is for you. Of course the action doesn’t stop there and Shattered Grid will be continued in Go Go Power Rangers #9.

Jane Miller is a freelance creative type, who makes weird stuff and is currently between schools,

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