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Next Time on Uchu Sentai Kyuranger: Episode 11
An evil Deathworm is eating all life in episode 11 of Uchu Sentai Kyuranger, Three Kyutama to Save the Universe.
Space.11: Three Kyutama to Save the Universe
Directed by Takayuki Shibasaki
Written by Nobuhiro Mori
The Kyurangers need to find three Kyutama in order to revive the Argo ship. One of them seems to be the Puppis Kyutama. Lucky and the others go down to Earth, but for some reason, there’s no one around in town. That’s when the Deathworm reveals itself, an evil creature from space that consumes all life in the town. Shou Ronpou gives out an order to evacuate, but Shotaro suddenly becomes Koguma Sky Blue. Stinger tries to defend Kotarou from the Deathworm’s attack, but they fall to the ground together.