New Mecha vs Kaiju Strategy Game Coming From Subset Games
Subset Games, the makers of popular indie roguelike FTL, are back with Into the Breach.
2012 Kickstarter success FTL: Faster Than Light was a popular randomly generated strategy game that put players in the seat of one a starship captain.
Yesterday Subset Games finally announced their followup, Into the Breach, a strategy game about mech pilots trying to save the world from giant monsters that will be different every time you play it.
From Subset’s description:
The remnants of human civilization are threatened by gigantic creatures breeding beneath the earth. You must control powerful mechs from the future to hold off this alien threat. Each attempt to save the world presents a new randomly generated challenge in this turn-based strategy game.
Into the Breach utilizes the same turn-based isometric style fans of Chroma Squad and the Super Robot Wars series will recognize. No release date for Into the Breach has been announced yet.
Source: Subset Games