Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #0 Sells Out
The preview issue for BOOM! Studios‘ new MMPR comic sells out, goes to second print run.
Comic book publisher BOOM! Studios recently released issue #0 of their new Mighty Morphin Power Rangers comic to prepare readers for the main series in March. The issue proved so popular with stores that Diamond Comics Distributors has run out of issues to sell to retailers. Don’t panic, the book may still be available at your local comic book store.
To meet demand, BOOM! has sent the book out for a second print run, and artist Goñi Montes has put together a brand new cover to mark the occasion. The new cover follows the same theme of the first run, but with big bad Rita Repulsa standing in for the rangers.
Check out TokuNet’s interview with issue #0’s writers Kyle Higgins and Mairghread Scott, our coverage of the Gallery Nucleus Power Rangers art gallery, and our review of the issue.
Source: Goñi Montes’s Twitter