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Next Time on Shuriken Sentai Ninninger: Shinobi 8
Fuuka tries to manage a normal school life in Shinobi 8 of Shuriken Sentai Ninninger, The Time Traveling Nekomata.
Shinobi 8: The Time Traveling Nekomata
Fuuka warns Nagi, who has just been transferred to her high school, to keep their Ninja identities a secret no matter what. Fuuka wants to spend her time in school as just another normal student. However, Takaharu, completely unaware of this, invites one of her classmates to their home.
Meanwhile, the supposedly defeated Nekomata appears again. Having the friend leave the dojo now is too dangerous, so Takaharu and Kasumi confront Nekomata while Fuuka finds a way to make her stay put. However, Nekomata appears directly at the dojo and kidnaps Fuuka’s friend!
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