Complete Selection Modification Rider Card List
Premium Bandai has announced the card contents of both the Complete Selection Modification DecaDriver, as well as the Complete Selection Modification Rider Card Set.
Bandai has massively updated their product pages for the Complete Selection Modification DecaDriver as well as the Complete Selection Modification Rider Card Set. Besides a short video featuring Masahiro Inoue (Tsukasa Kadoya, Kamen Rider Decade) and Mark Okita (Voice of the DecaDriver), Bandai has also created a Rider Card List Page! This page features images and data for the 30 cards that are included with the DecaDriver, the 77 cards include with the Rider Card Set, as well as three bonus cards for those who pre-order both items.
We have compiled a translated list of all 110 Rider Cards that are currently slated to be released between the two items. They have been separated by which item they come with, as well as which type of card they are. Included is the card name, and the sound that is activated when inserted into the Complete Selection DecaDriver.
Cards Included in the Complete Selection Modification DecaDriver |
Card Type | Card Name | Sound Activated in DecaDriver |
KamenRide | Decade | KamenRide! Decade! |
KamenRide | Kuuga | KamenRide! Kuuga! |
KamenRide | Agito | KamenRide! Agito! |
KamenRide | Ryuki | KamenRide! Ryuki! |
KamenRide | Faiz | KamenRide! Faiz! |
KamenRide | Blade | KamenRide! Blade! |
KamenRide | Hibiki | KamenRide! Hibiki! |
KamenRide | Kabuto | KamenRide! Kabuto! |
KamenRide | Den-O | KamenRide! Den-O! |
KamenRide | Kiva | KamenRide! Kiva! |
AttackRide | Illusion | AttackRide! Illusion! |
AttackRide | Slash | AttackRide! Slash! |
AttackRide | Blast | AttackRide! Blast! |
AttackRide | Invisible | AttackRide! Invisible! |
AttackRide | Strike Vent | AttackRide! Strike Vent! |
AttackRide | Auto Vajin | AttackRide! Auto Vajin! |
AttackRide | Ongekibou Rekka | AttackRide! Ongekibou Rekka! |
AttackRide | Clock Up | AttackRide! Clock Up! |
AttackRide | Ore Sanjou | AttackRide! Ore Sanjou! |
FinalAttackRide | Decade | FinalAttackRide! De-De-De-Decade! |
FinalFormRide | Kuuga Gouram | FinalFormRide! Ku-Ku-Ku-Kuuga! |
FinalFormRide | Agito Tornador | FinalFormRide! A-A-A-Agito! |
FinalFormRide | Ryuki Dragreder | FinalFormRide! Ryu-Ryu-Ryu-Ryuki |
FinalFormRide | Faiz Blaster | FinalFormRide! Fa-Fa-Fa-Faiz! |
FinalFormRide | Blade Blade | FinalFormRide! B-B-B-Blade! |
FinalFormRide | Hibiki Ongekiko | FinalFormRide! Hi-Hi-Hi-Hibiki! |
FinalFormRide | Zecter Kabuto | FinalFormRide! Ka-Ka-Ka-Kabuto! |
FinalFormRide | Momotaros | FinalFormRide! De-De-De-Den-O! |
FinalFormRide | Kiva Arrow | FinalFormRide! Ki-Ki-Ki-Kiva! |
FinalFormRide | All Rider | FinalFormRide! All Ri-Ri-Ri-Riders! |
Cards Included in the Complete Selection Modification Rider Card Set |
Card Type | Card Name | Sound Activated in DecaDriver |
KamenRide | Decade Complete Form | KamenRide! Decade! Complete! |
KamenRide | Kuuga Ultimate Form | KamenRide! Kuuga! Ultimate! |
KamenRide | Agito Shining Form | KamenRide! Agito! Shining! |
KamenRide | Ryuki Survive | KamenRide! Ryuki! Survive! |
KamenRide | Faiz Blaster Form | KamenRide! Faiz! Blaster! |
KamenRide | Blade King Form | KamenRide! Blade! King! |
KamenRide | Armed Hibiki | KamenRide! Hibiki! Armed! |
KamenRide | Kabuto Hyper Form | KamenRide! Kabuto! Hyper! |
KamenRide | Den-O Liner Form | KamenRide! Den-O! Liner! |
KamenRide | Kiva Emperor Form | KamenRide! Kiva! Emperor! |
KamenRide | Kuuga Rising Ultimate Form | KamenRide! Kuuga! Rising Ultimate! |
KamenRide | Den-O Chou Climax Form | KamenRide! Den-O! Chou Climax! |
KamenRide | 1 | KamenRide! Ichigo! |
KamenRide | 2 | KamenRide! Nigo! |
KamenRide | V3 | KamenRide! V3! |
KamenRide | Riderman | KamenRide! Riderman! |
KamenRide | X | KamenRide! X! |
KamenRide | Amazon | KamenRide! Amazon! |
KamenRide | Stronger | KamenRide! Stronger! |
KamenRide | Sky Rider | KamenRide! Sky Rider! |
KamenRide | Super 1 | KamenRide! Super 1! |
KamenRide | ZX | KamenRide! ZX! |
KamenRide | Black | KamenRide! Black! |
KamenRide | Black RX | KamenRide! Black RX! |
KamenRide | Shin | KamenRide! Shin! |
KamenRide | ZO | KamenRide! ZO! |
KamenRide | J | KamenRide! J! |
KamenRide | Skull | KamenRide! Skull! |
KamenRide | (Blank) | Error Sound |
KamenRide | Kuuga (Blank) | Error Sound |
KamenRide | Agito (Blank) | Error Sound |
KamenRide | Ryuki (Blank) | Error Sound |
KamenRide | Faiz (Blank) | Error Sound |
KamenRide | Blade (Blank) | Error Sound |
KamenRide | Hibiki (Blank) | Error Sound |
KamenRide | Kabuto (Blank) | Error Sound |
KamenRide | Den-O (Blank) | Error Sound |
KamenRide | Kiva (Blank) | Error Sound |
AttackRide | Gigant | AttackRide! Gigant! |
AttackRide | Advent | AttackRide! Advent! |
AttackRide | Side Basshar | AttackRide! Side Basshar! |
AttackRide | Mach | AttackRide! Mach! |
AttackRide | Metal | AttackRide! Metal! |
AttackRide | Onibi | AttackRide! Onibi! |
AttackRide | Bokuni Tsurarete Miru? | AttackRide! Bokuni Tsurarete Miru? |
AttackRide | Kotaewa Kiite Nai | AttackRide! Kotaewa Kiite Nai! |
AttackRide | Nakerude | AttackRide! Nakerude! |
AttackRide | Tsuppari | AttackRide! Tsuppari! |
AttackRide | Utchari | AttackRide! Utchari! |
AttackRide | Gaga No Udewa | AttackRide! Gaga No Udewa! |
FinalAttackRide | Kuuga | FinalAttackRide! Ku-Ku-Ku-Kuuga! |
FinalAttackRide | Agito | FinalAttackRide! A-A-A-Agito! |
FinalAttackRide | Ryuki | FinalAttackRide! Ryu-Ryu-Ryu-Ryuki! |
FinalAttackRide | Faiz | FinalAttackRide! Fa-Fa-Fa-Faiz! |
FinalAttackRide | Blade | FinalAttackRide! B-B-B-Blade! |
FinalAttackRide | Hibiki | FinalAttackRide! Hi-Hi-Hi-Hibiki! |
FinalAttackRide | Kabuto | FinalAttackRide! Ka-Ka-Ka-Kabuto! |
FinalAttackRide | Den-O | FinalAttackRide! De-De-De-Den-O! |
FinalAttackRide | Kiva | FinalAttackRide! Ki-Ki-Ki-Kiva! |
FinalAttackRide | Amazon | FinalAttackRide! A-A-A-Amazon! |
FormRide | Kuuga Titan Form | FormRide! Kuuga! Titan! |
FormRide | Kuuga Dragon Form | FormRide! Kuuga! Dragon! |
FormRide | Kuuga Pegasus Form | FormRide! Kuuga! Pegasus! |
FormRide | Agito Storm Form | FormRide! Agito! Storm! |
FormRide | Agito Flame Form | FormRide! Agito! Flame! |
FormRide | Faiz Axel Form | FormRide! Faiz! Axel! |
FormRide | Den-O Rod Form | FormRide! Den-O! Rod! |
FormRide | Den-O Gun Form | FormRide! Den-O! Gun! |
FormRide | Den-O Axe Form | FormRide! Den-O! Axe! |
FormRide | Den-O Wing Form | FormRide! Den-O! Wing! |
FormRide | Kiva Garulu Form | FormRide! Kiva! Garulu! |
FormRide | Kiva Dogga Form | FormRide! Kiva! Dogga! |
FormRide | Kiva Basshar Form | FormRide! Kiva! Basshar! |
FinalFormRide | Denliner | FinalFormRide! De-De-De-Den-O! |
FinalFormRide | Kamen Rider W | FinalFormRide! Do-Do-Do-Double! |
FinalFormRide | Decaderiver | FinalFormRide! De-De-De-Decade! |
FinalKamenAttackFormRide | Decade | FinalKamenAttackFormRide! De-De-De-Decade! |
Cards Included with Pre-Order of Both Items |
Card Type | Card Name | Sound Activated in DecaDriver |
KamenRide | Diend | FinalAttackRide! Di-Di-Di-Diend! |
KaijinRide | Eagle Undead | Error Sound |
KaijinRide | Moose Fangire | Error Sound |
Source: Premium Bandai (Card List)
All English translations are accredited to The Tokusatsu Network staff members. Please do not repost without crediting and directly linking back to the original Tokusatsu Network article.

October 26, 2014 at 10:29 am
Does anyone know if the cards will fit in the DX DecaDriver? or have the sizes changed?