Sword Gai: The Animation Reveals March Worldwide Netflix Debut
February 3, 2018Anime based on Toshiki Inoue, Osamu Kine, and Keita Amamiya’s manga announces March worldwide Netflix debut...
Kamen Rider Ghost’s Hayato Isomura Announced For After The Rain Live-Action Adaptation
January 29, 2018TOHO has announced the cast of the live-action adaptation of the manga Koi wa Ameagari no You...
Shinkenger’s Rin Takanashi Announces Marriage
January 21, 2018Shinkenger’s Rin Takanashi announced her marriage to Tomoaki Makino.
MAZINGER Z: INFINITY 2-Night Special Screening Across the U.S.
January 21, 2018In partnership with Fathom Events, theaters across the United States will receive a special two-night screening...
Power Rangers Dino Thunder’s Emma Lahana Joins Marvel’s Cloak & Dagger
January 19, 2018Power Rangers Dino Thunder’s Emma Lahana announces involvement in new Freeform series set in the Marvel universe.
ToQger’s Ryusei Yokohama to Star in Anitomo Live-Action Adaption
January 19, 2018Ryusei Yokohama will star as the male lead in the Anitomo manga live-action drama adaption.
Kamen Rider Gaim’s Yutaka Kobayashi To Carry 2018 Winter Olympic Torch
January 16, 2018Yutaka Kobayashi from Kamen Rider Gaim will be carrying the Olympic Torch as one of the...
TOKU HD to Premiere The Ultraman Anime Series
January 12, 2018TOKU television network to premiere 1979 anime series on January 29th, 2018, at 8:00 pm.
Godzilla: Planet of the Monsters Airing Date Revealed by Netflix
January 12, 2018Airing date for the first film of the Godzilla 3DCG animated film trilogy announced by Netflix...
Sword Gai: The Animation Unveils New Visual and Cast
January 6, 2018Anime based on Toshiki Inoue, Osamu Kine, and Keita Amamiya’s manga releases a new visual and announces...