New CSM Kamen Rider 555 Transformation Items Teased
Bandai Toy Japan teased on May 5th, also known as 555 Day, that five new transformation items will be released soon as part of Kamen Rider 555‘s Complete Selection Modification collector’s line.
The new CSM transformation items include the CSM Faiz Edge, CSM Faiz Blaster, CSM Psyga Driver, CSM Orga Driver, and CSM Smart Buckle. All five of these items are being released to celebrate Kamen Rider 555’s 20th anniversary.
The only CSM currently open for pre-orders is the CSM Psyga Driver. Pre-order details for the other four will be released at a later date. Here is some background information on what each item is:
The Energy Handle Blade SB-555H Faiz Edge is a one-handed lightsaber-like weapon whose blade is made of Sol Glass and is disguised to resemble part of the Auto Vajin (when not in use as the left handle). When Kamen Rider Faiz needs it, a Mission Memory is slotted into it and pulled out of the Auto Vajin. When pulled, a red blade appears.
The SB-555T Faiz Blaster was received in the mail by Mari from Hanagata. It was made to resemble a modern trunk box for the Auto Vajin’s vehicle mode, as the Faiz Blaster is too big to be stored in the Smart Brain briefcase that stores most of Faiz’s Gear. By equipping the Faiz Phone with the Faiz Blaster while wearing the Faiz Driver, Kamen Rider Faiz accessed phenomenal power from a Smart Brain Satellite in orbit, allowing him to enter Blaster Form. In Blaster Form, the Faiz Blaster can be transformed into either Photon Buster Mode, in which the Faiz Blaster functions like a powerful energy pump-action shotgun, or Photon Breaker Mode, in which the Faiz Blaster functions like a lightsaber-like sword.
The Transformation Belt SB-315B Psyga Driver was one of the Emperor’s Belts created by Kyouji Murakami from the ruined Delta Belt. Its user was Leo. Ultimately, both he and the Driver disintegrated in battle with Kamen Rider Faiz, whose Sparkle Cut slashed past Psyga’s waist, cutting through the belt and Psyga’s spine. This belt debuted in the Kamen Rider 555 The Movie: Paradise Lost film.
The Transformation Belt SB-000B Orga Driver is an ornate belt that generates the photon streams for the Kamen Rider Orga armor. If the belt is removed, the armor disappears. The belt straps of the Orga Gear were made of leather rather than metal; a leather holster was strapped onto its right side. This belt also debuted in the Kamen Rider 555 The Movie: Paradise Lost film.
Finally, the Smart Buckle is the Riotroopers’ transformation device developed by Smart Brain as a means to protect the Orphnoch King. Unlike other belts, the Smart Buckle lacks a Mission Memory but is still capable of generating the photon streams that form the suit. If the belt is removed, the armor will dissolve.
Source: Bandai Toy Japan