Actor News
Zenkaiger’s Kiita Komagine Reflects on the Past Year – Part 2
Read Part 2 of Pia’s interview with Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger‘s Kiita Komagine about his thoughts on acting and more.
When you first entered the entertainment industry, you did some modeling. When did you learn you wanted to pursue acting?
When I first entered the business, I thought acting looked fun. But I began to seriously start thinking about it AFTER Zenkaiger began filming. I went into filming thinking about my future as an actor.
What do you find fulfilling when you act?
I find myself very pleased when I get to be a part of a show where I can proudly tell people, “Please check it out!” After working on Zenkaiger, I realized that it’s a very rewarding experience. Of course, I do care about people’s praise and their opinions, but I enjoy thinking “I’m glad I got to play this part” more. I’m fine with anything as long as I’m satisfied.
That’s one way to overcome pressure.
I try not to think about pressure too much. I just do what I have to do to the best of my ability. After all, I do believe it is my life.
When did you get such a mindset?
Always have. I don’t really feel pressure when it’s something I have to shoulder (laughs). If I get too caught up in it, I only end up feeling constricted, and if I feel too worn down, I won’t be able to do anything about it.
Do you still have that mindset of having fun while acting, even on set?
That is very much true. I conciously put effort in trying to make the site a comfortable place where I can enjoy myself and feel at home. I make decisions for that very reason. I learned on Zenkaiger that my actions help make the cast and staff more at ease, and acting becomes much easier.
On the other hand, there were times, including during recording, when you expressed your frustration at not being able to do things. Is there a side to you that makes you overcome your obstacles?
Probably. Maybe there was something I was shouldering that I didn’t realize at the time. Maybe it’s something like pride. I think there’s something inside me that’s unrelenting for certain things.
In my opinion, it’s a good thing that you’re not very prideful.
I learned of a new side of me on Zenkaiger. I was surrounded by professional suit actors and voice actors, and I was the only one who had little to no experience. It was the first time for me to be thrown into an environment where I was the only one who had nothing to show, and I really hated myself for not having any experience.
It’s amazing that you kept going.
There was a time where people were being nice to me because I had no experience, and I wanted to prove myself more to people when I realized it. I realized that the reason I was able to do something about my lack of experience was probably because I’m actually quite prideful.
What are your goals in the future?
Nothing in particular. I’m not chasing anyone’s shadows, and I’m just trying to find a style that’s more me. And this may sound very arrogant, but I hope I can be someone that others look up to (laughs).
And are you trying to find this style of yours now?
I’m still searching! I have not yet established myself as Kiita Komagine — The Actor. I’m looking at what kind of roles I have and what I should do for people to accept them. That is where I need to put my focus.
But I do just want to live my life without wavering.
So, do you have any ideas for the kind of works or roles you would like to try?
I would like to try my hand at various productions and roles. Since I have started my career as an actor, I would like to experience many different works and accumulate more experience.
That said, I do want to try the seishun-type (adolescent) of works while I’m still young (laughs).
Like romance?
(nods) I feel like if I don’t portray a high-school student, my memories of youth will begin to fade away. I’d be like, “What was high school like again?” (laughs). But school uniforms are so bothersome. My mind and body wouldn’t mesh.
You took on the challenges of action scenes in Zenkaiger, so maybe you’d be a great fit in action.
Oh, speaking of which! I want to do an action flick!
Do you like voice acting like you do with action?
I don’t want to do dubbing! After a year of ADR, I realize what makes the professionals professionals. I think I’ve gotten better at it, but with what little I’ve done, I realize just how much greater a voice actor’s existence is from mine. I feel like all I did was shout out loud (laughs).
I’m looking forward to seeing more of Kiita Komagine — The Actor.
I’m starting to feel that people are expecting a lot from me, for better or worse, and I’m afraid to know what’s waiting for me up ahead. However, I am doing my best to meet those expectations. I now understand the pressure of meeting those expectations, and I’ll hold it alongside my motivation. Thank you for your continued support.
Source: Pia