Local Hero Spotlight
Local Hero Spotlight: Avalon, Knight of the Round Table
Team TokuNet interviews local hero Avalon, Knight of the Round Table for our first Local Hero Spotlight!
NOTE: 日本語版はこちらです
To help lead into this year’s Local Hero Festival (November 20-21, 2021), Team TokuNet interviews local hero Avalon, Knight of the Round Table. This hero hails from England but is currently in Japan continuing his mission to maintain peace between humans and the Folk of the Faye. Avalon will also be present as a guest at the festival on November 21, a great chance to meet him if you’re attending!
And without further ado…
♦ A Hero of Two Worlds ♦
Please introduce yourself!
My name is Avalon, I am the last knight of the round table. I was appointed by my king with the duty of preserving peace between the human realm, and the Folk of the Faye, which is what we collectively call those beings whom you believe only live in fantasy. Long ago, a war between them came to a close, but there are still those who refuse to accept peace. That is where I come in; I face those Folk of the Faye who attack humans, what we call “Renegades,” but at the same time protect the innocent Folk of the Faye from humans.
My mission has brought me to Tokyo, where I am still facing the Renegades.
What sets you apart from other local heroes?
Being a foreigner would be the big difference. I may not sound like it, but I am a fully fledged Englishman. In addition, I fight hard to be a benevolent hero. As I said, I am a peacekeeper, not a butcher, and so I look at my enemies, both human and Renegade, and treat them equally. And I believe strongly in second chances, and try to give everyone a chance to start over. Although even I have my limits. I do not believe in third chances, and I give no chances to those who take the lives of others.
What challenges do you face as a hero in a foreign country?
I am still fairly new to the world of local heroes, and so I have much to learn about events and collaboration, etc. It also means I lack support that other heroes have, and that many people here have not heard of me. That and the language barrier can be difficult at times.
What would you like to accomplish while you’re in Japan?
My main mission is to stop the rebellious Renegade factions from wreaking havoc on humans, and keep other Folk of the Faye from harm. In addition, I hope I can teach more people about the need to be more accepting of others.
And while I am here in Japan, I hope to bring a bit of my English culture to these shores, and build stronger bonds with my fellow heroes.
♦ Cultural Exchange ♦
Do you consider yourself a cultural representative of the UK for Japan?
Being a representative of the UK is an enormous responsibility. I do not consider myself an official representative, but I hope one day I can be seen as such. I also hope that foreigners abroad can also learn more about local heroes through me.
Do you hope speaking English will inspire children to study English more?
Yes indeed. Learning other languages and learning about other cultures in general is essential to developing an open mind and becoming more accepting of others who come from different backgrounds and countries. I hope I can inspire the children of Japan to be more earnest in their English lessons so that they can gain that open mindedness.
♦ Local Hero Activities ♦
You’re a guest at this year’s Local Hero Festival! How does it feel, and what are you looking forward to?
It is a tremendous honour to be able to take part in the Local Hero Festival this year. It makes me feel as though my efforts to be part of the local hero culture have been acknowledged, and I am excited to be meeting more local heroes from across Japan.
Incidentally, we will also be selling official goods at the event, so please come along and show support. I can speak both Japanese and English, so no need to be shy.
What local hero(es) do you hope to fight alongside some day?
As you may have heard, I had the honor of joining the J-Heroes and being part of their team. I hope that we can collaborate more together, both individually and as part of an alliance for good.
I also know that there are other heroes based in foreign lands outside of Japan. Although travel is difficult right now, I hope that one day I can also meet these heroes.
May we have a final message for our readers?
While I may still be unknown to many, you will be able to see more of me on something called “YouTube,” and hopefully in the future you can meet me at other events in Japan, or indeed in England. I hope I can meet the expectations as a local hero and a protector of peace, so I humbly ask for your support!
Avalon, Team TokuNet thanks you for your time, and we wish you the best in your mission as a guardian of peace!
(To follow Avalon on his adventures in Japan, you can follow him on Twitter at RTKAvalon1000. To learn more about Avalon’s conception/creation, you can also read our interview with Max Ellis, the creator of Avalon and founder of Shield and Sword Productions.)