Toku Ladies Podcast – Episode 38: Does This Fandom Spark Joy?
The Toku Ladies discuss mental health and fandom communities.
The world is a disaster, so the Toku Ladies are bringing you a 2 1/2 hour episode about mental health, self-care, curating our relationships with online fandom communities, and how fandom can help us cope. And we answer a bunch of community questions.
Links mentioned in the episode:
Procrastiranger posted an article about how exposure to systemic racism literally shortens lifespans: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5407682/
Geek Social Fallacies: http://www.plausiblydeniable.com/opinion/gsf.html
- TheSecondBatgirl – @the2ndbatgirl
- PockySquirrel – @pockysquirrel
- Terrierlee – @tertweets88
- Mara – @maragreengrass