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Reservation Time: Kamen Rider The Diner


Reservation Time: Kamen Rider The Diner

Kamen Rider The Diner is known to fans as the premier spot in Tokyo to celebrate their love for the franchise. Team TokuNet member Tony C. shows fans how to make a reservation and what to expect at the Diner.

For the past five years since I’ve been to Japan, I never once visited Kamen Rider The Diner. It somehow always slipped my mind to go visit. Perhaps it’s because you have to make a reservation beforehand and then find the location; I had predetermined it was going to be a hassle and wanted to spend my time elsewhere. And yet funny enough, the whole process was rather easy.

Getting to the location isn’t difficult at all either, you just have to make a reservation ahead of time (best to do at least a week beforehand, or 48 hours in advance at the latest). There is a possibility if you arrive without a reservation that the Diner will have an open table for you, but I wouldn’t gamble on it. If by some chance you want to reserve on the day of, you will have to call their location directly and speak to the staff, as their website only does advance reservations. You will have to speak in Japanese, so if you’re not confident in your speaking ability, this could be a struggle so best to plan ahead. Thankfully, the reservation portion of the website has some English in it, so feel at ease that it’s not all in Japanese.

Now pictured below is the location outside and inside the building. The most important thing you need to know is to tell the staff at the front desk entrance that you have a reservation at the Diner and take the elevator towards the back to the 4th floor.


There are many things to experience in the Diner including sitting the Shocker chair and enjoying Kamen Rider themed food, desserts, and drinks with plenty of goodies decorating the restaurant. There are also Kamen Rider The Diner shirts available for purchase to commemorate your visit.

Just a fan that likes to watch Japanese Superheroes.

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