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Next Time on Kamen Rider Zero-One: Episode 24
Izu leaves Aruto under a doctor’s watchful eye in the next episode of Kamen Rider Zero-One, “It’s Our Turn.”
Episode 24: It’s Our Turn
Screenplay written by Minato Takano
Directed by Satoshi Morota
Action Directed by Jun Watanabe (Japan Action Enterprise)
Special Effects Directed by Hiroshi Butsuda (Tokusatsu Kenkyuujo)
Marriage counseling Humagear Match Enmusubi holds a mock wedding ceremony as a challenge for one couple. However, it’s at the venue that Match runs away and becomes a Magia, and even a Raider appears. Aruto transforms into the forbidden Metal Cluster Hopper in an attempt to stop the Magia and the Raider, but he still loses control and goes on a rampage. Amatsu appears before them and transforms into Kamen Rider Thouser. While Thouser and Metal Cluster are fighting each other, actor humagear Enji Matsuda, who was playing the role of the pastor at the mock wedding, he’s caught by the power of Metal Cluster’s ARK.
Thouser’s powerful special moves have cancelled Metal Cluster Hopper’s transformation. Feeling a sense of defeat and humiliation because he cannot control his power, Aruto (Fumiya Takahashi) loses consciousness.
Izu (Noa Tsurushima) leaves everything about Aruto up to Dr. Omigoto (Mitsuhiro Takahashi) and says, “Please leave the Metal Cluster Key to me,” and proceeds to act on her own.