Rider Love Podcast #116 – “Sougo’s Longest Yeah Boy”
Dan & Faiz discuss the Zi-O finale, present the 2019 Rider Love Awards, and learn your final thoughts on Zi-O as a series!
This week on Rider Love, it feels like it’s been a LONG year, but we’re finally here! It’s our Zi-O finale podcast!! We’ll send the series off in grand (Zi-O) style as we discuss the last episode, Zi-O 49. Then, we suit up and present the 2019 Rider Love Awards, as voted by you! Rounding things out, we’ll read your Listener Feedback about the series as a whole. Oh, and we briefly mention the Zero-One premiere in Spoilers, but more on that next week. Iwae!!
- Dan – @HenshinKitty
- Faiz – @KibaYuuji
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