Rider Love Podcast #115 – “They’re Divorced or Something”
Dan & Faiz discuss Zi-O 47 & 48, Den-O episode 14, and the announcement of Zero-One‘s theme song!
This week on Rider Love, we discuss the return of the beautiful Chase and surprise reveal of Kamen Rider Tsukuyomi in Zi-O 47 & 48! There’s been an announcement about the Zero-One theme song, and we finally get back to Den-O 14 before things get crazy. Open a jar of sea pickles to enjoy while you listen!
Also, we’ve begun accepting votes for the 2nd Annual Rider Love Awards! Cast your vote by Midnight EST on Tuesday, September 3rd, and we’ll announce the winners on our Zi-O finale podcast!
- Dan – @HenshinKitty
- Faiz – @KibaYuuji
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