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Next Time on Uchu Sentai Kyuranger: Episode 24
Most of the team is swallowed by a dangerous new enemy in episode 24 of Uchu Sentai Kyuranger, I’ll Become a Fighting Shield!
Space.24: I’ll Become a Shield that Fights!
Directed by Noboru Takemoto
Written by Nobuhiro Mori
Fukushogun Tecchu appears with his associate Gyapler. The Kyurangers face off against them but they’re powerless against the mouth of Gyapler, who swallows Hammy and the rest of her team, trapping them inside. Tsurugi rushes in to fight back, but he struggles against the pair of formidable enemies. When all hope seems lost, Lucky dives into the fight to save him. In Tsurugi’s mind, Lucky seems just like a previous ally who shielded Tsurugi and lost his life in the process. Meanwhile, Don Armage appears in the sky.