Summaries and Previews
Next Week On Ressha Sentai ToQger: Station 11
A day in an amusement park gets interrupted on Station 11 of Ressha Sentai ToQger, The Emperor of Darkness.
Station 11: The Emperor of Darkness
Writer: Yasuko Kobayashi
Director: Shōjirō Nakazawa
The Shadow Line, following Baron Nero’s plan, were getting ready to welcome the Emperor of Darkness. Meanwhile, Right and the others arrive at the following station and decide to spend the day at the amusement park. There, Right meets a man holding a balloon. The man says this is his first time at an amusement park and such a bright place. Then, a Darkliner appears from the Shadow Line. Baron Nero calls on the man at the hero’s surprise. Who is this man?!
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