Summaries and Previews
Next Week On Ressha Sentai ToQger Station 2
Next week on Ressha Sentai ToQger, Station 2: We Are Here.
Station 2: We Are Here
Writer: Yasuko Kobayashi
Director: Shojiro Nakazawa
“Right has joined the team and the ToQgers were able to defeat Bag Shadow. However, what was awaiting the five of them when they returned to the Ressha was Ticket’s shocking words:
‘You’re as good as dead.’
What does that mean?!
Faced with a situation too serious for Ticket to just have let it slip (if that can be called a slip at all), the ToQgers remain, incredibly, as careless as ever, eating their train meals and everything.
However, unbeknownst to the happy-go-lucky four, Hikari was seriously pondering the situation.
Meanwhile, the Shadow Line intends to build another station. At “Kettogahara Station” (ketto translates to “duel”), Sabre Shadow has citizens duel each other when the ToQgers arrive and their battle with the Shadow starts.
Judging by how the darkness is spreading in the city, Hikari formulates a theory.”
All English translations are accredited to The Tokusatsu Network staff members. Please do not repost without crediting and directly linking back to the original Tokusatsu Network article.