Kamen Rider The Diner Adds Wizard Dishes To Menu
The Kamen Rider The Diner located in Ikebukuro, Tokyo offers a range of Rider themed dishes, from Fourze Module Smoked Salmon salad, Faiz Cornbutter to Rider Parfait desert. For a limited time only, they will be adding Kamen Rider Wizard themed meals to the menu.
Added are Maguro and Avacodo Wizard Dressing, Diced Bell Kebab with Diced(pun on Saikou/perfect) Steak, Gryphon Mimosa Salad and Haruto’s favourite in the show, a plain sugar donut.
The new alcohol and non-alcoholic drinks section begin with the Magical Stone Cocktail (“Now, it’s Showtime!”), (“Now, it’s lunchtime!”) Lion Style, Last Hope, Medusa Perfume and, noted as having a large amount of alcohol, Gremlin Panic. None of the ingredients are listed in the menu.
Source: Kamen Rider The Diner