Actor News
Kamen Rider Build’s Atsuhiro Inukai Starts YouTube Channel
Atsuhiro Inukai, who portrayed Kamen Rider Build‘s titular hero, starts a YouTube Channel.
Inukai started a YouTube Channel called “The Inukai” and released his video on October 2, 2020.
His first video is a vlog styled content titled とある俳優の1日 (ソウルソサエティ編) or A Day in the Life of a Certain Actor (Soul Society Arc).
As the title implies, the video contains footage of a single day in Inukai’s life. Which involves him waking up, having breakfast, and going to a photoshoot. He ends his day by watching anime for an hour, which he says is his “favorite part of the day”.
The video is viewable here:
Source: YouTube