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Next Time on Kamen Rider Zero-One: Episode 13
Izu questions her ability to perform her secretary duties in the next episode of Kamen Rider Zero-One, My Job is the President’s Secretary.
Episode 13: My Job is the President’s Secretary
Screenplay written by Riku Sanjo
Directed by Takayuki Shibasaki
Action Directed by Takeshi Miyazaki (Japan Action Enterprise)
Special Effects Directed by Hiroshi Butsuda (Tokusatsu Kenkyuujo)
Aruto (Fumiya Takahashi) transforms into Zero One Shining Hopper using his new Progrise Key and fights against the Dodo Magia. However, the new power is easily learned and overwhelmed, as Aruto protects Izu (Noa Tsurushima) from an attack and his transformation is forced into being canceled.
The newest key doesn’t work for the Dodo Magia, and Aruto is beaten and wounded. While Izu was previously convinced that Shining Hopper could be used to win, she now feels responsible and blames herself, saying, “I am not qualified to be the president’s secretary.”
Despite being injured, Aruto attempts to search for and protect Zetto Matsurida No. 5 (Ryunosuke Matsumura) from the Dodo Magia form. Aruto transforms into Zero One and fights alongside Vulcan against his Dodo opponent. Horobi (Syuya Sunagawa) of metsubojinrai.NET appears before the both of them and presents to them a surprising proposal. What is it?