Rider Love Podcast #114 – “AquaMike”
Dan & Faiz discuss Zi-O episodes 44-46, all the latest Kamen Rider merch, and the announcement of Zero-One‘s suit actor!
This week on Rider Love, we’re almost to the end of Kamen Rider Zi-O! We discuss episodes 44-46 (the Movie Rider arc), and things go DOWN. We’re still bummed about the character development the Time Jackers received, but HOO BOY, do past Dan & Faiz have no idea what’s coming in reference to Tsukuyomi… but more on that next time. For now, we’ll celebrate the announcement of Zero-One’s suit actor (thank you for your years of service, Mr. Kamen Rider), and all the other important news of the week. Whip out your lucky undies, and join us for the fun!
- Dan – @HenshinKitty
- Faiz – @KibaYuuji
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